Thursday, October 30, 2014

Field Trip


A permission slip for our field trip to The Discovery Center on November 12 will come home tomorrow. Please sign and return it (along with a $3 donation if possible) at your earliest convenience. I have space for 1 more chaperone. Let me know if you're interested. The first to respond gets to go!

First Trimester Grades


Grades for the first trimester will be available to view on Thursday, November 20. If you have not created a PowerSchool login yet, you must do so in order to view your child's grades. If you need assistance, please stop by the front office. We have computers and staff who can help you!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Music Program


Mark your calendars! This year the second grade will be performing a music program on Tuesday, November 18, 2014. The performance for parents and other family members will be at 3:00 pm. This year's theme is all about being thankful.

Lockdown Drill


As you are all aware, CJE was scheduled to have a practice lockdown sometime during the month of October. This afternoon we had a school-wide lockdown drill. Students were in the computer lab when the drill was announced. In its entirety, the drill took less than 15 minutes.

Friday, October 17, 2014

PowerSchool Reminder


If you have not registered with PowerSchool, please do so as soon as possible. The information was given to you during our parent-teacher conference. You will need to have your registration complete in order to view your child's grades for the first trimester on Thursday, November 20.

Field Trip


We will be going on a field trip to The Discovery Center on Wednesday, November 12. The exhibit is all about Leonardo de Vinci. A permission slip and parent volunteer sign-up will come home next week. A BIG "thank you" to the CJE PTO for providing funding for our transportation!

Great News!


Our grade-level was awarded a grant for $500 worth of science supplies through the Donors Choose website. Chevron fully funded this project. We're excited to being using our new science kits soon!